When you think of all of the pieces in your retirement plan, will you have enough money saved for living expenses? Do you plan to travel or help with your grandchildren’s education? Do you have enough money saved for Long-Term Care expenses should you and/or your spouse need it? With a 70% chance of a person 65 years old needing Long-Term Care (LTC) services, the odds are likely most of us will need some form of LTC. Since health insurance and Medicare do not cover this type of care, the best way to protect your hard earned assets, your family’s financial and emotional wellbeing, and to stay at home, is by insuring yourself with Long-Term Care insurance.
Long-Term Care isn’t something many care to talk about. Let’s face it, it isn’t the cheeriest topic. But, it’s important.
GoldenCare USA, Inc. is celebrating 40 years in business this coming year. As a leader in the Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi) industry since the very beginning, GoldenCare has been providing quality long-term care solutions and insurance protection at the lowest possible cost with the highest level of service. As LTC Specialists, we make it our priority to educate you with the information you need in order to help you make an informed decision.
GoldenCare’s LTC Specialists are highly trained and certified to help their clients find the best coverage options for their specific needs and budget. By helping you understand the full picture, with keeping your long-term goals in mind, you will be able to make a decision that is right for you. There are thousands of policy options when choosing an LTCi plan—even if you are on medications, diagnosed with an illness or had a major injury—GoldenCare can help you.
Many financial planners and insurance professionals do not fully understand the many LTCi coverage options and many only know the very basics. When working with a LTC Specialist, you are working an expert in the field. They know the ins and outs of LTCi and its many different options. They will offer alternative options for those who may not qualify for traditional LTCi and can help guide you to finding a plan that best fits your personal needs. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to LTCi.
Let a GoldenCare Long-Term Care Specialist help you determine if Long-Term Care insurance is right for you.
Call 1-800-842-7799 to speak with a LTC Specialist today- there is zero obligation.
Please be advised that in order to provide you with the best recommendations and a cost quote, it is necessary that your LTC Specialist ask basic health questions in order to determine what you may qualify for.